Saturday, January 22, 2011

Treament, Is there a real cure for this disease???

Sickle cell has no cure. Even doe it have different treatments can help relieve pain; prevent infections, eye damage, and strokes; and control complications.


Future and actually treatments...

Blood and marrow stem cell transplant it may offer a cure on small number of people.
stem cells transplant must used a matched donor. Witch minimize the number of people thar can find a donor.

The process “is risky and can lead to serious side effects or even death. Because of this, only some people can or should have this procedure.”

“Researchers continue to look for sources of bone marrow stem cells—for example, blood from babies' umbilical cords”.

“Gene therapy is being studied…... Researchers want to know whether a normal gene can be put into the bone marrow stem cells of a person who has sickle cell anemia. This would cause the body to make normal red blood cells.”
“Researchers are studying several medicines for sickle cell anemia. They include: 
  • Nitric oxide. This medicine may make sickle cells less sticky and keep blood vessels open. People who have sickle cell anemia have low levels of nitric oxide in their blood.
Decitabine. Like hydroxyurea, this medicine may reduce painful sickle cell crises. Decitabine may be used instead of hydroxyurea or added to hydroxyurea
(National heart lung and blood institude, 2010)


  1. The rate at which modern medicine is advancing and coming up with cures and preventative measures for different diseases, it is only a matter of time before a cure is found for sickle cell!

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  2. Thank you Ram, anyway this was just a little and basic investigation for a work of the school.
